
Social Justice

Important Works

Disabled welfare Yojanantrgt Asthibadit, visually impaired, hearing impaired and mentally retarded boys / girls / Double Teaching, training, employment and rehabilitation programs conducted through voluntary and government organizations are alike.

Offender Probation Act, 1958 under which the adult criminals are not punished by life imprisonment or capital punishment; They place of imprisonment on probation for moral action is to quit. 2 districts of Madhya Pradesh begging Prevention Act, 1973, as plans are effective in Indore and Ujjain. Currently Are established and operated in the center of monastic Indore. Under the plan presented before the court to take custody of Bhikshus Are. The trial court’s judgment and punishment Bhikshus are kept in the monastic houses. Chief plans to give away, Vridwasrmon operations Vridwajn policy, Maintenance of Parents and Senior Citizens Act / Rules Implementation of district funds and destitute destitute Fund Act, 1971 are implementing important function is operating.

Various National and State Social Assistance Programme

  • Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme
  • Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme
  • Indira Gandhi National Disabled Pension Scheme
  • National Family Assistance Scheme
  • Social security pension scheme received
  • Chief yoga worker safety is not
  • Chief bestowing yoga is not
  • Free marriage Sktjn stimulus plan
  • . Disabled students scholarship scheme
  • Mental / Bhuviklang free to Skton Aid Plan
  • Free test Sktjnon camp, identity cards and artificial limbs distribution scheme Accessories

Important Links